FW/20 - “Zippo Raids”1



Zippo raids is a collection on the juxtaposition between the Vietnam war and the counter cultural peace movement in the 60’s, enforced by the music created during this time with artists like Jimi Hendrix, The rolling stones, Jefferson Airplane and Santana. During this time in history the United states was more divided than ever, with a pointless war going on in Vietnam and a war at home with anti war protesters, it was close to a civil war. The collection features pieces which are time capsules and tributes to events and tragedy that happened during this time.


SS/19 - “Escapism”



The second Fringes season labeled “Escapism” was centered around escaping the real world, the social boundaries set and materialistic things that give us a false sense of happiness. The season included screen prints on cotton drill patches and prints on t-shirts.




The first official fringes collection was labeled “FW/19”. Before this I was just making one off garments. In this collection I was playing with layering and contrasting elements of clothing to create Juxtapositions.