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Fringes is about statements. It's about putting social taboos behind us to push personal ideas and style without fear of judgement. Expressing who you are as a person can be difficult if you focus on what the majority is doing….it's easy to be a sheep and follow the rest in the most recent trends, but that's not expressing yourself.

Making a statement of yourself is a bold task and Fringes wants to help express yourself to the truest form.

Fringes is about constantly pushing for new horizons, constantly breaking down what we call societal norms that hinder the way we live our lives. We won’t be judged about the things we wear, the attitude we possess, the way we spend our time here, the things we say and what statements we use to do that. Who gets to decide how we should live our lives? An unregulated mufti uniform is in place in our society that turns us into a societal cog in a much larger machine, owned by people whose power has distorted their perception of reality. The people who defy this uniform have heads turning back at them, and this is what Fringes supports and conveys. Stir the pot and let the change brew. Continue to shatter normality until normal ceases to exist.

You can tell a lot from a person's walk; you can determine someone's demeanour from the way they move. Clothing can give insight into someone's personality, and if clothing and walk complement each other, then that creates a statement.

So how do you walk and how does your clothing talk about your walk?

There is a uprising rumbling, we are waking up to the white collar atrocities that overpower our will. Fringes wants to be on the forefront of turning the page to a world where judgement doesn't determine our image and lifestyle; a world where the expression of one's style and ideas are not shut down because it's different from everyone else; a world where following the crowd is an abnormal thing.